Dart, Can't call Generic's method Dart, Can't call Generic's method dart dart

Dart, Can't call Generic's method

You cannot call static methods on type variables. Static methods must be known at compile-time, and the value of a type variable is not known until run-time.

You can parameterize your class with the method that you want to call:

class DataList<T> {  final bool success;   dynamic data;  T dynamic Function(Object) fromJson;  DataList({    this.success,    List<dynamic> data,       this.fromJson;  }) {    castDataToList(data);  }  factory DataList.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json, T fromJson(Object o)) {     return DataList(        success: json['success'],        data: json['data'],        fromJson: fromJson,    );  }  void castDataToList(jsonData) {    this.data = List<T>.from(jsonData.map((x) => fromJson(x)));  }}

When you want to use the class with a type, Foo which has a fromJson static method, you create the instance as:

var dataList = DataList<Foo>fromJson(someJsonMap, Foo.fromJson);

This passes the Foo.fromjson function to the class, which can then use it when needed.