Dart comparison operators Dart comparison operators dart dart

Dart comparison operators

I don't think so... but you can use a simple mixin for implementing operators based on the Comparable implementation:

mixin Compare<T> on Comparable<T> {  bool operator <=(T other) => this.compareTo(other) <= 0;  bool operator >=(T other) => this.compareTo(other) >= 0;  bool operator <(T other) => this.compareTo(other) < 0;  bool operator >(T other) => this.compareTo(other) > 0;  bool operator ==(other) => other is T && this.compareTo(other) == 0;}

Example usage:

class Vec with Comparable<Vec>, Compare<Vec> {  final double x;  final double y;  Vec(this.x, this.y);  @override  int compareTo(Vec other) =>      (x.abs() + y.abs()).compareTo(other.x.abs() + other.y.abs());}main() {  print(Vec(1, 1) > Vec(0, 0));  print(Vec(1, 0) > Vec(0, 0));  print(Vec(0, 0) == Vec(0, 0));  print(Vec(1, 1) <= Vec(2, 0));}