Dart Errors in multi-level asynchronous code Dart Errors in multi-level asynchronous code dart dart

Dart Errors in multi-level asynchronous code

Uncaught asynchronous errors are handled to the current zone's error handler.What you are seeing is the root-zone's error handler reporting the error as uncaught, which also terminates the isolate.

What you want is to introduce a different error handler for your code, by running it through runZoned with an error handler:

import "dart:async";main() {  runZoned(() async {    try {      print("trying");      await doSomething();      print("success");    } catch (e) {      print("caught");    }  }, onError: (e, s) {    print("uncaught");  });}

Like Greg pointed in its comment you can use Zones to catch unexpected errors from async code.