Dart Future.wait for multiple futures and get back results of different types Dart Future.wait for multiple futures and get back results of different types dart dart

Dart Future.wait for multiple futures and get back results of different types

You need to adapt each of your Future<T>s to a common type of Future. You could use Future<void>:

List<Foo> foos;List<Bar> bars;List<FooBars> foobars;await Future.wait<void>([  downloader.getFoos().then((result) => foos = result),  downloader.getBars().then((result) => bars = result),  downloader.getFooBars().then((result) => foobars = result),]);processData(foos, bars, foobars);

Or if you prefer await to .then(), the Future.wait call could be:

await Future.wait<void>([  (() async => foos = await downloader.getFoos())(),  (() async => bars = await downloader.getBars())(),  (() async => foobars = await downloader.getFooBars())(),]);

I think is not possible to do in a super nice fashion. All you can do is something like this:

void main() async {  List<List<dynamic>> result = await Future.wait<List<dynamic>>([    getStringData(),    getIntData(),  ]);  print(result[0]);  print(result[1]);}Future<List<String>> getStringData() {  return Future.value(["a", "b"]);}Future<List<int>> getIntData() {  return Future.value([1, 2]);}

Well, type T is a generic type

You know your types, so you can work with them.

If your are using a FutureBuilder, you can access the different results using this. (same order you put them in the Future.wait method)

snapshot.data[0] // maybe type List<Foo>snapshot.data[1] // maybe type List<Bar>snapshot.data[2] // maybe type String