Dart - how _InternalLinkedHashMap<String, dynamic> convert to Map<String, dynamic>? Dart - how _InternalLinkedHashMap<String, dynamic> convert to Map<String, dynamic>? dart dart

Dart - how _InternalLinkedHashMap<String, dynamic> convert to Map<String, dynamic>?

Try this:

Map<String, dynamic>.from(yourData)

You don't need to do any conversion between _InternalLinkedHashMap<K, V> and Map<K, V>: the former is already a subtype of the latter.

void main() async {  final map = <String, int>{};  print(map.runtimeType);  print('${map is Map<String, int>}');}


_InternalLinkedHashMap<String, int>true

(Map's default constructor is a factory constructor that constructs a LinkedHashMap. LinkedHashMap's default constructor is also a factory constructor, and the implementation for the Dart VM constructs and returns an internal _InternalLinkedHashMap object.)

Note that this is true only when _InternalLinkedHashMap<K, V> uses the same K and V as Map. If they are parameterized on different types then you will need to perform an explicit conversion, but that's not the situation asked in this question.

How I do it, is I converts the _InternalLinkedHashMap<dynamic, dynamic> to a HashMap using

var map = HashMap.from(value) // value is _InternalLinkedHashMap <dynamic, dynamic>

From here I can get the Class Method to convert the map to my object so that I can use it in the code, like this

User.fromJson(map) //  this return User object 

You can generate Dart Model classes directly from the JSON using this website.

Here is the code snippet of User.Json method:

SeatBookingModel.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {userName= json['userName'];userEmail= json['userEmail']; }

Happy Coding