Error: "Bad state: No element" when using BLoC_pattern with a bool value Error: "Bad state: No element" when using BLoC_pattern with a bool value dart dart

Error: "Bad state: No element" when using BLoC_pattern with a bool value

I had the same issue when trying to access the first element of an empty iterable.

@overrideWidget build(BuildContext context) {  return BlocProvider<MyBloc>(    create: (context) {      var list = myIterable.keys.first; // keys was empty      var myBloc = MyBloc();      return myBloc;      }       return schuldenBloc;    },  );}

The error Bad state: No element was happening because I'm trying to get the first item of an empty iterable keys inside the BlocProvider.

var list = myIterable.keys.first; // keys was empty

you forgot to inform the StreamBuilder type, in this case is StreamBuilder<bool>()

I think that's the problem.