Expose Dart functions to javascript Expose Dart functions to javascript dart dart

Expose Dart functions to javascript

No problem ! see Calling Dart from JavaScript.

In your case :

import 'dart:js' as js;main() {  String foo() {    return "bar!";  }  js.context['foo'] = foo;}

In Dart 1.20 I had to add allowInterop()

import 'dart:js' as js;main() {  String foo() {    return "bar!";  }  js.context['foo'] = allowInterop(foo);}

In Dart 2.3.0 I had to tweak the solution just a bit for allowInterop to play nice.

    import 'dart:js' as js;    main() {      String foo() {        return "bar!";      }      js.context['foo'] = js.allowInterop(foo);    }