Extending dart:html classes in dart Extending dart:html classes in dart dart dart

Extending dart:html classes in dart

You can extend HTML elements, but there are a few requirements. The one you're running into now is that you need a RedBox.created constructor, and it can only redirect to its super class. created must be the only generative constructor, though you can add factory constructors.

Another requirement is that the element is registered with document.registerElement.

Try adding this:

class RedBox extends HtmlElement {  RedBox.created() : super.created() {    style.background = "red";  }  factory RedBox(text) => new Element.tag('my-redbox')..text = text;}document.registerElement('my-redbox', RedBox);

Some note on extending HtmlElement.

  1. Extending non HtmlElement(e.g. PreElement) throws:

HierarchyRequestError: Custom element XXX is a native PreElement should be derived from HtmlElement or SvgElement.

  1. Using extendsTag option with registerElement suppresses the above error but causes "new Element.tag('xxx')" to return an instance of HtmElement.

document.registerElement('xxx', XXX, extendsTag:'pre');

Solution(Assuming extending PreElement):
Use 'document.registerElement('xxx', XXX, extendsTag:'pre');' and 'new Element.tag('pre','xxx');'

void main{  document.registerElement('xxx',      XXX,extendsTag: 'pre');      querySelectior('body').append(new XXX()..text = 'hello');  }  class XXX extends PreElement{    XXX.created():super.created(){}    factory XXX(){      return new Element.tag('pre','xxx');    }  }

Dart does not currently support library initialization. You must call document.registerElement in the main.

Tested with 1.14.0