Flutter Camera Plugin taking dark image bug Flutter Camera Plugin taking dark image bug dart dart

Flutter Camera Plugin taking dark image bug

I think it's not about a delay, images are dark if exposure is not handled.Also exposure requires focus pre captures to work and are not handled in official plugin now.

You can use this plugin : CamerAwesome

Official plugin has been quite abandonned. This plugin includes flash, zoom, auto focus, exposure... and no initialisation required.It uses value notifier to change data directly in preview like this :

  // init Notifiers  ValueNotifier<CameraFlashes> _switchFlash = ValueNotifier(CameraFlashes.NONE);  ValueNotifier<Sensors> _sensor = ValueNotifier(Sensors.BACK);  ValueNotifier<Size> _photoSize = ValueNotifier(null);  @override  Widget build(BuildContext context) {    return CameraAwesome(      onPermissionsResult: (bool result) { }      selectDefaultSize: (List<Size> availableSizes) => Size(1920, 1080),      onCameraStarted: () { },      onOrientationChanged: (CameraOrientations newOrientation) { },      zoom: 0.64,      sensor: _sensor,      photoSize: _photoSize,      switchFlashMode: _switchFlash,      orientation: DeviceOrientation.portraitUp,      fitted: true,    );  };

Just put delay before take picture.

Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500), () {_controller.takePicture(path);});