Flutter Change Dropdown arrow color Flutter Change Dropdown arrow color dart dart

Flutter Change Dropdown arrow color

This can be done with icon: property in DropdownButton

DropdownButtonHideUnderline(            child: DropdownButton<String>(              isExpanded: true,              value: dropdownValue,              onChanged: (String newValue) {                setState(() {                  dropdownValue = newValue;                });              },              hint: Text('Select'),              icon: Icon(                // Add this                Icons.arrow_drop_down,  // Add this                color: Colors.blue,   // Add this              ),              items: <String>['Bank Deposit', 'Mobile Payment', 'Cash Pickup']                  .map<DropdownMenuItem<String>>((String value) {                return DropdownMenuItem<String>(                  value: value,                  child: Text(value),                );              }).toList(),            ),          ),

Thanks to @anmol.majhail, anyway found something simpler using iconEnabledColor property.

               DropdownButtonHideUnderline (          child: DropdownButton<String>(            iconEnabledColor: Colors.indigo, // game changer            isExpanded: true,            value: dropdownValue,            onChanged: (String newValue) {              setState(() {                dropdownValue = newValue;              });            },            items: <String>['Bank Deposit', 'Mobile Payment', 'Cash Pickup']                .map<DropdownMenuItem<String>>((String value) {              return DropdownMenuItem<String>(                value: value,                child: Text(value),              );            })                .toList(),          ),        ),

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