flutter_facebook_login CocoaPods dependency error flutter_facebook_login CocoaPods dependency error dart dart

flutter_facebook_login CocoaPods dependency error

According to this diegoveloper's answer flutter_facebook_login github issue.


  • flutter clean
  • Remove ios/Podfile.lock file
  • Go to the Podfile file and changed from platform :ios, '9.0' to platform :ios, '11.0'(In my case, some libs don't support 11.0 and I useplatform :ios, '9.0then set deployment target in runner.xcsworkspace to 9.0 and it work.)
  • Go to the terminal , ios directory and run pod install
  • Run the project again.

just update your podfile .

platform :ios, '11.0'

try to pod install again in terminal.pod install

  1. open terminal and go to root package directory using cd the_root_package_path
  2. type flutter clean
  3. open podfile and uncomment : # platform :ios, '11.0'
  4. run pod install

had the same problem, tried everything, this worked for me.