Flutter for Web: webdev serve throws error: webdev could not find pubspec.yaml in "C:\...." Flutter for Web: webdev serve throws error: webdev could not find pubspec.yaml in "C:\...." dart dart

Flutter for Web: webdev serve throws error: webdev could not find pubspec.yaml in "C:\...."

You're having that issue because your webdev path is not setup correctly. If you still want to run your web app, go to that path and execute:

flutter packages pub global run webdev serve

Same thing if you want to build your web app to release:

flutter packages pub global run webdev build

be sure to finish your webdev serve (control + c) before building or is not going to work.

Try running this command in your project directory.

pub get

It will install all missing dependencies. In your case protobuf-0.13.12.