Flutter: How to access 'provider' values in a function outside the build context of the child widget? Flutter: How to access 'provider' values in a function outside the build context of the child widget? dart dart

Flutter: How to access 'provider' values in a function outside the build context of the child widget?

You can read the variables from your provider like this: Provider.of(context, listen: false).yourVariable in getHomeCampaigns. You must have listen: false for this to work though because it is not in the widget tree so it can't update whenever yourVariable changes -- see . If this doesn't work there is a problem where you declare you provider. If this works please up vote and accept as answer, otherwise comment below.

I moved from my api being an inheritedWidget to a provider. "The Flutter Complete Reference" suggested to avoid inheritWidget because of complexity. I start at the materialapp and wrap it around my api class containing my restful calls. I use the counter to see that the button has been pressed. Now, I can access my api calls in all objects in the materialapp tree.

void main() {  runApp(MyApp());}class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {@overrideWidget build(BuildContext context) {return MaterialApp(    title: 'My app',    theme: ThemeData(         primarySwatch: Colors.blue,    ),    debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,    home: Provider<Api>(        create: (context) => Api(),        child: Home(title: 'my title')));  }}class Home extends StatefulWidget { Home({Key key, @required this.title}) : super(key: key); final String title; @override _HomeState createState() => _HomeState(); }class _HomeState extends State<Home> { int _counter = 0; onLogin(BuildContext context) {   LoginView param = new LoginView("abc@com",    "xxx");   Provider.of<Api>(context, listen: false)      .addLogin(context, param)    .then((value) {    setState(() {    _counter++;    });   }).catchError((error) {    DialogCaller.showErrorDialog(context, error.toString()).then((value) {});});} @override Widget build(BuildContext context) {  return Scaffold(        appBar: AppBar(          title: const Text('Example'),        ),        body: Container(            child: Column(          children: [            TextButton.icon(                label: Text("abc"),                icon: Icon(Icons.web),                onPressed: () {                  onLogin(context);                  setState(() {                    _counter++;                  });                }),            Text(              '$_counter',              style:  Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline4,            )          ],        ))); }}