Flutter how to listen to websocket response? Flutter how to listen to websocket response? dart dart

Flutter how to listen to websocket response?

Make sure you are closing your WebSocket connection when you leave the current widget. Inside your widget's State class you should have a dispose() method that looks like this:

@overridevoid dispose() {  widget.channel.sink.close();  super.dispose();}

What I am want is an async function which receives every websocket response and append the result to a list, so that the listview can be updated.

You need to manage this yourself in your state class.

final list = List<Message>();@overrideWidget build(BuildContext context) {  return new StreamBuilder(    stream: myStream,    builder: (context, snapshot) {      list.add(/* extract message from snapshot */);      /* build a widget with your list */    },  );}

when enter that page again, there was an error says Bad state: Stream has already been listened to.. How to make the stream can be listened at every begaining, and then boradcast to many pages?

Dart has two kinds of streams, single-subscription and broadcast streams. See more info about the differences, and how to create streams. Recommendations here will depend largely on your application.

That said, usually apis that return a stream default to single-subscription and then have the asBroadcastStream() alternative.

If that's not an option, you can create an intermediate StreamController that listens on your single-subscription stream and returns a broadcast stream, that the rest of your app should listen to.

Both of these options are outlined in the link above about creating streams.