Flutter How to move file Flutter How to move file dart dart

Flutter How to move file

File.rename works only if source file and destination path are on the same file system, otherwise you will get a FileSystemException (OS Error: Cross-device link, errno = 18). Therefore it should be used for moving a file only if you are sure that the source file and the destination path are on the same file system.

For example when trying to move a file under the folder /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/ to a new path under the folder /data/user/0/com.my.app/cache/ will fail to FileSystemException.

Here is a small utility function for moving a file safely:

Future<File> moveFile(File sourceFile, String newPath) async {  try {    // prefer using rename as it is probably faster    return await sourceFile.rename(newPath);  } on FileSystemException catch (e) {    // if rename fails, copy the source file and then delete it    final newFile = await sourceFile.copy(newPath);    await sourceFile.delete();    return newFile;  }}

await File('/storage/emulated/0/Myfolder').rename('/storage/emulated/0/Urfolder')

If the files are on different file systems you need to create a new destination file, read the source file and write the content into the destination file, then delete the source file.