Flutter http request upload mp3 file Flutter http request upload mp3 file dart dart

Flutter http request upload mp3 file

Please use flutter_upload package for uploading file

Or use below code for uploading the file using multipart :

static Future<String> fileUploadMultipart(      {File file, OnUploadProgressCallback onUploadProgress}) async {    assert(file != null);    final url = '$baseUrl/api/file';    final httpClient = getHttpClient();    final request = await httpClient.postUrl(Uri.parse(url));    int byteCount = 0;    var multipart = await http.MultipartFile.fromPath(fileUtil.basename(file.path), file.path);    // final fileStreamFile = file.openRead();    // var multipart = MultipartFile("file", fileStreamFile, file.lengthSync(),    //     filename: fileUtil.basename(file.path));    var requestMultipart = http.MultipartRequest("", Uri.parse("uri"));    requestMultipart.files.add(multipart);    var msStream = requestMultipart.finalize();    var totalByteLength = requestMultipart.contentLength;    request.contentLength = totalByteLength;    request.headers.set(        HttpHeaders.contentTypeHeader, requestMultipart.headers[HttpHeaders.contentTypeHeader]);    Stream<List<int>> streamUpload = msStream.transform(      new StreamTransformer.fromHandlers(        handleData: (data, sink) {          sink.add(data);          byteCount += data.length;          if (onUploadProgress != null) {            onUploadProgress(byteCount, totalByteLength);            // CALL STATUS CALLBACK;          }        },        handleError: (error, stack, sink) {          throw error;        },        handleDone: (sink) {          sink.close();          // UPLOAD DONE;        },      ),    );    await request.addStream(streamUpload);    final httpResponse = await request.close();//    var statusCode = httpResponse.statusCode;    if (statusCode ~/ 100 != 2) {      throw Exception('Error uploading file, Status code: ${httpResponse.statusCode}');    } else {      return await readResponseAsString(httpResponse);    }  }

Try to add filename to the
