Flutter Integrate Paypal Buttons with WebView Flutter Integrate Paypal Buttons with WebView dart dart

Flutter Integrate Paypal Buttons with WebView

So after many, many hours of googling and looking at alternatives, I got the idea to NOT use a WebView at all. Rather than using the webview_flutter plugin, which is limited in this case, I am now using url_launcher and uni_links.

I first call url_launcher to open a browser, with an HTML page that is hosted somewhere on our domains. This html page was built to show only from the mobile app.

With uni_links, when the component didChangeDependencies (of course after configuring the links in Info.plist and AndroidManifest.xml), I initialise them like this:

Future<Null> initUniLinks() async {    _sub = getUriLinksStream().listen((Uri uri) async {        //Do something with uri... for example...                Map<String, String> queryParameters = uri.queryParameters;        String action = queryParameters["action"];        switch (action) {            case "onSuccess":                //Do something...            break;        });}

So essentially what is happening, is I am opening a proper browser window. Then using normal HTML and Javascript, I still detect the PayPal onApprove() function etc. However, then the functions execute, I open the uni link, which results in opening the application where we left off.

This is a good alternative if WebView is giving you issues. Much more config, but it works just fine for my case.

I'm still open to any other proposals :) - even though I have moved on from this - will be interesting to find out more!

The request you are sending is comming from Origin null as stated by the logs.Meaning the origin of the request is coming from a local page, instead of a trusted origin that needs to be defined in your paypal account.Paypal's api should be implemented on a server that would serve this webpage youThe endpoint on paypal does not accept that.Read more here: Paypal Access-Control-Allow-Origin