Flutter lifecycle suspending method not getting called Flutter lifecycle suspending method not getting called dart dart

Flutter lifecycle suspending method not getting called

You should try the didPopRoute() lifecycle hook for back button on Android. From the docs:

Called when the system tells the app to pop the current route. For example, on Android, this is called when the user presses the back button.

class _HomePageState extends State<HomePage> with WidgetsBindingObserver {  WidgetsBinding binding = WidgetsBinding.instance;  @override  Future<bool> didPopRoute() {    // Android user pressed back button    final bool preventAppFromClosing = true;    return preventAppFromClosing;  }  @override  void initState() {    super.initState();    binding.addObserver(this);  }  @override  void dispose() {    binding.removeObserver(this);    super.dispose();  }}