Flutter "Mapping values are not allowed here" error when doing packages get Flutter "Mapping values are not allowed here" error when doing packages get dart dart

Flutter "Mapping values are not allowed here" error when doing packages get

You're presentation of the relevant part makes it difficult to pinpoint line 65, as the sample is not that long.

I am pretty sure thought that the error is not in the presented part. As the error is caused by a value indicator (:) in column number 12 and in your samples the indicator after fonts is in position 10.

So search for a line where fonts is indented six positions instead of the four in the sample that you've included, and there is the error, probably caused by this over indentation.

(In general it is better to include the full text of the problematic file, if you cannot cut down the source for the problem)

A neat trick is that JSON is a subset of YAML, so if you ever have trouble figuring out the YAML indentation or syntax, just replace it with JSON, and you can mix-n-match.

Yes, You are Right. This is a problem with Yaml syntax. In Yaml, the Code is written in form of objects like in JSON so We have to be careful about the Indentation of the code each object is 2 spaces back to his child.

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