Flutter OAuth request fails when using self-signed certificate Flutter OAuth request fails when using self-signed certificate dart dart

Flutter OAuth request fails when using self-signed certificate


Looks like Dart has its own root certificates. The preferred option is to avoid writing any security code. Instead in a development environment, configure your self signed host's root certificate as trusted by Dart, according to this guide.


Looks like Dart also supports the C# certificate callback model, where there is a Bad Certificate Callback that you can override. Not sure if you have to subclass HttpClient to achieve this.

/* PSEUDOCODE */bool callback(X509Certificate cert, String host, int port) {  // Don't allow any exceptions in production  if (currentEnvironment == "DEV" && host == "myhost.com") {    return true;  }  // Use system  return base.callback(cert, host, port)}


I see you are trying a few different libraries to solve your SSL trust problem. So I thought I'd point out what I look for in a mobile OAuth library, in line with mobile security standards, where these are the key recommendations:

  • Use Authorization Code Flow (PKCE)
  • Login via the System Browser
  • Prefer HTTPS redirect URLs (claimed HTTPS schemes)

I would at least aim to use the correct flow as above. I'm always a bit wary of new tech stacks and their OAuth libraries, since they often don't implement the recommended behaviour.

The preferred library from a security viewpoint is probably Flutter AppAuth. I have often used AppAuth libraries with self signed certificates, but the AppAuth library comes with these challenges:

  • Login on a System Browser is tricky to make reliable
  • Could be quite a bit more work than your stakeholders want to pay for
  • User experience aspects may be different to what people are used to
  • The Flutter bridge may come with its own problems


When you get some time it may be worth browsing my blog posts and running my Swift / Kotlin code samples, to see if you think any of this behaviour would be useful to you:

Completing some previous answers, I discovered that it's possible to pass an http.Client as a named argument in the oauth2.AuthorizationCodeGrant constructor.

So I made one that hooks a badCertificateCallback where I can implement some rules to ignore certificate validation under some particular circumstances (like calling from an emulator in a dev environment). I think it could go as far as looking at some X509Certificate attributes to make the decision.

  bool _certificateCheck(X509Certificate cert, String host, int port) =>    host == '';  http.Client devEmulatorClient() {    var ioClient = new HttpClient()      ..badCertificateCallback = _certificateCheck;    return new IOClient(ioClient);  }  final grant = oauth2.AuthorizationCodeGrant(      _clientId, _authorizationEndpoint, _tokenEndpoint,      httpClient: devEmulatorClient());

And later whereas this call use to throw the certificate check exception, it is now accepting my dev self-signed certificate.

  var client =      await grant.handleAuthorizationResponse(responseUrl.queryParameters);

Required imports:

import 'dart:io';import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;import 'package:http/io_client.dart';import 'package:flutter_web_auth/flutter_web_auth.dart';import 'package:oauth2/oauth2.dart' as oauth2;