Flutter pdf generation too slow with image Flutter pdf generation too slow with image dart dart

Flutter pdf generation too slow with image

flutter_html_to_pdf plugin for iOS and Android for generating PDF files from HTML.



instead of:


First, add flutter_html_to_pdf as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

 dependencies: flutter_html_to_pdf: ^0.5.2

Now in your Dart code, you can use:

 import 'package:flutter_html_to_pdf/flutter_html_to_pdf.dart';

Usage #

 var htmlContent = """ <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head>   <style>   table, th, td {   border: 1px solid black;     border-collapse: collapse;   }   th, td, p {     padding: 5px;     text-align: left;   }   </style> </head>   <body>     <h2>PDF Generated with flutter_html_to_pdf plugin</h2>     <table style="width:100%">       <caption>Sample HTML Table</caption>       <tr>         <th>Month</th>         <th>Savings</th>       </tr>       <tr>        <td>January</td>         <td>100</td>       </tr>       <tr>         <td>February</td>         <td>50</td>       </tr>     </table>     <p>Image loaded from web</p>     <img src="https://i.imgur.com/wxaJsXF.png" alt="web-img">   </body> </html> """; var targetPath = "/your/sample/path"; var targetFileName = "example_pdf_file" var generatedPdfFile = await FlutterHtmlToPdf.convertFromHtmlContent(     htmlContent, targetPath, targetFileName);

You can also pass File object with HTML content inside as parameter

 var file = File("/sample_path/example.html"); var generatedPdfFile = await FlutterHtmlToPdf.convertFromHtmlFile(     file, targetPath, targetFileName);

or even just path to this file

 var filePath = "/sample_path/example.html"; var generatedPdfFile = await FlutterHtmlToPdf.convertFromHtmlFilePath(     filePath, targetPath, targetFileName);

ImagesIf you want to add local image from device to your HTML you need to pass path to image as src value.

 <img src="file:///storage/example/your_sample_image.png" alt="web-img">

or if you want to use the image File object

 <img src="${imageFile.path}" alt="web-img">

And for Multiple images you can add multiple tags like:

 <img src="your source" alt="your alternative"> <img src="your source" alt="your alternative"> <img src="your source" alt="your alternative"> <img src="your source" alt="your alternative"> <img src="your source" alt="your alternative">