Flutter url_launcher open Facebook link inside app(Facebook) installed but in IOS it just open facebook and not the link Flutter url_launcher open Facebook link inside app(Facebook) installed but in IOS it just open facebook and not the link dart dart

Flutter url_launcher open Facebook link inside app(Facebook) installed but in IOS it just open facebook and not the link

My working function:

void _launchSocial(String url, String fallbackUrl) async {  // Don't use canLaunch because of fbProtocolUrl (fb://)  try {    bool launched =        await launch(url, forceSafariVC: false, forceWebView: false);    if (!launched) {      await launch(fallbackUrl, forceSafariVC: false, forceWebView: false);      }  } catch (e) {    await launch(fallbackUrl, forceSafariVC: false, forceWebView: false);  }}

Then in onPressed or onTab:

_launchSocial('fb://profile/408834569303957', 'https://www.facebook.com/dorockxl')

Don't forget to add fbYOURPAGEID to CFBundleURLSchemes array in Info.plist:

Note: You can use https://lookup-id.com to find your page's id

<key>CFBundleURLTypes</key><array>    <dict>        <key>CFBundleURLSchemes</key>        <array>            <string>fb408834569303957</string>        </array>    </dict></array>

Btw you can use this method for Twitter and Instagram without an additional setting. Url is enough to open these native apps:

_launchSocial('https://www.instagram.com/YOURNAME/', '')

_launchSocial('https://twitter.com/YOURNAME', '')