Flutter, Visual studio code project stuck on Analyzing Flutter, Visual studio code project stuck on Analyzing dart dart

Flutter, Visual studio code project stuck on Analyzing

I solved it like here. Enable dart.previewLsp in your settings.Ctrl + , and enter dart.previewLsp.

Also the problem pops up when I code nested generic types. eg. Future<Either<X, Y>>.

I avoid this as much as possible. You just need to copy the type from another line or use a snippet. Or code it from inside out.

I know this is too late, but I believe this helps any one stuck with this problem. In my case this is due to a syntax error. I tried commenting most recently edited files and restarted VSCode then this annoying analyzing thing stopped.

Make sure you didn't declare any nested generics and didn't finish the line with your var name like mine

Analyzing for infinite time. 😞


Now we are good 😃

Future<List<int>> getMyListOfInt();