Flutter: Why setState(( ) { }) set data again and again Flutter: Why setState(( ) { }) set data again and again dart dart

Flutter: Why setState(( ) { }) set data again and again

The purpose of setState is to tell the framework that a variable in the state has changed and the widget needs to be rebuilt to reflect that change. So calling setState calls the build function again, which in your case recalls your Future, which calls setState again, which triggers build and so on.

To fix this you should call the Future in initState, and use a FutureBuilder to display the data when it's ready.


class _SampleState extends State<Sample> {  Firestore db = Firestore.instance;  Future databaseFuture;  @override  void initState() {    databaseFuture = db.collection('share').document('0').get()  }  @override  Widget build(BuildContext context) {    return FutureBuilder(      future: databaseFuture,      builder: (context, snapshot) {        if(!snapshot.hasData) {          return CircularProgressIndicator();        }        var message = snapshot.data.data['message'];        print(message);        var appLink = snapshot.data.data['appLink'];        return Text('$message $appLink');      }    ),  }}