Get index in dart polymer repeat template Get index in dart polymer repeat template dart dart

Get index in dart polymer repeat template

Polymer now has the ability to do this:

<template repeat="{{fruit in fruits | enumerate}}">  <li>You should try the {{fruit.value}}. It is number {{fruit.index}}.</li></template>

Example taken from

The other solutions do not work for me in Polymer 0.3.4 (anymore?), but there is documentation on templates, including indexing while looping over a collection:

<template repeat="{{ foo, i in foos }}">  <template repeat="{{ value, j in foo }}">    {{ i }}:{{ j }}. {{ value }}  </template></template>

It was available in web_ui but is not yet available in Polymer.

Web UI is the precursor to polymer.dart. Polymer.dart is almost at feature parity with Web UI. Below is a list of Web UI features that have not yet been implemented in polymer.dart:

Value of index variable available inside of loops

Until then, you can use asMap on the list and iterate over the keys:

  <template repeat="{{i in names.asMap().keys)}}">    <div>{{i}}: {{names[i]}}</div>  </template>