How can I specify type annotations in Dart with `combineReducers`? How can I specify type annotations in Dart with `combineReducers`? dart dart

How can I specify type annotations in Dart with `combineReducers`?

The correct type I needed to use was:

final Function profileReducer = combineReducers<Profile>(<Profile Function(Profile, dynamic)>[  TypedReducer<Profile, FetchProfileResultAction>(_setProfile),]);

But to make that more usable, I created a type:

import 'package:utgard/store/models/profile.dart';typedef ProfileReducers = Profile Function(Profile, dynamic);

Then I can use in my reducers, like so:

final Function profileReducer = combineReducers<Profile>(<ProfileReducers>[  TypedReducer<Profile, FetchProfileResultAction>(_setProfile),]);

Dart doesn't support union type so typing actions properly won't be possible.. A "less realistic type" will be required

You can do the following:

final profileReducer = combineReducers<Profile>(<TypedReducer<Profile, Action>>[  TypedReducer<Profile, UpdateProfileBalanceAction>(_updateProfileBalance),  TypedReducer<Profile, FetchProfileResultAction>(_setProfile),]);