How do I display my UI only after my app is initialized? How do I display my UI only after my app is initialized? dart dart

How do I display my UI only after my app is initialized?

I am doing it in my project the Web UI way:

...<body>  <template if="showApplication">    <span>The app is ready.</span>  </template></body>...
@observable bool showApplication = false;main() {  // Initialize... {    showApplication = true;  });}

This has also an added bonus: separate code / web components can also check the app state before relying on db connectivity, etc.

Hide the body tag with visibility:hidden:

<body style="visibility:hidden">  <!-- content --></body>

And then show it in your future's then() callback,   version: version,   onUpgradeNeeded: createObjectStore).then(handleDBOpened);handleDBOpened(..) {  query('body').style.visibility = "visible"; // <-- show the body tag}