how to add custom color to flutter? how to add custom color to flutter? dart dart

how to add custom color to flutter?

basically flutter uses color AARRGGBB format you can use below color code with any color property like:

new Container(color: const Color(0xff2980b9));

AA = transparency

RR = red

GG = green

BB = blue

now if you want to create custom color 8-digit code from 6-digit color code then just append transparency (AA) value to it

Transparency percentagesFollowing are some example transparency percentages and their hex values

100% - FF95% - F290% - E685% - D980% - CC75% - BF70% - B365% - A660% - 9955% - 8C50% - 8045% - 7340% - 6635% - 5930% - 4D25% - 4020% - 3315% - 2610% - 1A5% - 0D0% - 00

in my case i always use AA = ff because 6-digit color has ff transparency.for 6-digit color best site

There are several ways to do it, but this is the method I prefer to use. It's dead simple.

Create a custom

MaterialColor myColor = MaterialColor(0xFF880E4F, color);

Create a map and as you will see below that I modify the opacity channel from 50 through to 900 to give you the various color degrees of opacity.

Map<int, Color> color ={50:Color.fromRGBO(4,131,184, .1),100:Color.fromRGBO(4,131,184, .2),200:Color.fromRGBO(4,131,184, .3),300:Color.fromRGBO(4,131,184, .4),400:Color.fromRGBO(4,131,184, .5),500:Color.fromRGBO(4,131,184, .6),600:Color.fromRGBO(4,131,184, .7),700:Color.fromRGBO(4,131,184, .8),800:Color.fromRGBO(4,131,184, .9),900:Color.fromRGBO(4,131,184, 1),};

Same works for Color.fromRGBA if you prefer using Alpha over Opacity.

I would like to point out that I saw you were trying to do this.


This will give you the an error. You have to use the base MaterialColor you created. Using the color degree modifiers will make the compiler unhappy.

You can create a Seprate class.

static const PrimaryColor =  Color(0xFF808080);static const PrimaryAssentColor =  Color(0xFF808080);static const PrimaryDarkColor =  Color(0xFF808080);static const ErroColor =  Color(0xFF808080);