How to bind ngFormModel in angular2 using Dart? How to bind ngFormModel in angular2 using Dart? dart dart

How to bind ngFormModel in angular2 using Dart?

Seems this was changed since when the blog post was created.NgForm is now exported as ngForm instead of form.

[ngFormModel]="form" #f="ngForm">

It's correct in the GitHub source but not in the blog post.

Full component according to the example in the blog post in Dart

@Component(selector: 'form-element')@View(template: '''<h1>form-element</h1><form (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()" [ngFormModel]="form" #f="ngForm">    <div>        <div class="formHeading">First Name</div>        <input type="text" id="firstName" ngControl="firstName">        <div class="errorMessage" *ngIf="f.form.controls['firstName'].touched && !f.form.controls['firstName'].valid">First Name is required</div>    </div>    <div>        <div class="formHeading">Street Address</div>        <input type="text" id="firstName" ngControl="streetAddress">        <div class="errorMessage" *ngIf="f.form.controls['streetAddress'].touched && !f.form.controls['streetAddress'].valid">Street Address is required</div>    </div>    <div>        <div class="formHeading">Zip Code</div>        <input type="text" id="zip" ngControl="zip">        <div class="errorMessage" *ngIf="f.form.controls['zip'].touched && !f.form.controls['zip'].valid">Zip code has to be 5 digits long</div>    </div>    <div>        <div class="formHeading">Address Type</div>        <select id="type" ngControl="type">            <option [value]="'home'">Home Address</option>            <option [value]="'billing'">Billing Address</option>        </select>    </div>    <button type="submit" [disabled]="!f.form.valid">Save</button>    <div>        <div>The form contains the following values</div>        <div>            {{payLoad}}        </div>    </div></form>''')class FormElement {  ControlGroup form;  String payLoad;  FormElement(FormBuilder fb) {    form ={      "firstName": ['', Validators.required],      "streetAddress": ['', Validators.required],      "zip": [        '',        Validators.compose([ZipValidator.validate])      ],      "type": ['home']    });  }  void onSubmit() {    payLoad = JSON.encode(this.form.value);  }}