How to change radio's inactive color in Flutter? How to change radio's inactive color in Flutter? dart dart

How to change radio's inactive color in Flutter?

Radio uses unselectedWidgetColor of ThemeData. If you need to change it only for a few radios on a specific screen, wrap them in Theme widget to override a color:

Theme(  data: Theme.of(context).copyWith(    unselectedWidgetColor:,    disabledColor:  ),  child: Column(    children: <Widget>[      ListTile(        onTap: () => setState(() => value = 0),        leading: Radio(          value: 0,          groupValue: value,          onChanged: (v) => setState(() => value = v),        )      ),      ListTile(        onTap: () => setState(() => value = 1),        leading: Radio(          value: 1,          groupValue: value,          onChanged: (v) => setState(() => value = v),        )      ),    ],  ),)

If no callback passed in onChanged to Radio, it is interpreted as disabled (this works for many default material widgets).

You can also set the fillColor propery, it resolves a color for multiple radio states. In this case, it returns for all states.

Radio(          fillColor: MaterialStateColor.resolveWith((states) =>,          value: 1,          groupValue: _optionValue,          onChanged: changeValue,        )