How to conditionally cast a type in dart? How to conditionally cast a type in dart? dart dart

How to conditionally cast a type in dart?

This is a Dart limitation. You can check the reason in this issue (thanks, jamesdlin).

Instantiating the Animal subclass inside each if block can be cumbersome, in case you have lots of conditions.

I would do, instead:

final house = House()..animal = Dog();final animal = house.animal;if (animal is Dog) {  animal.bark();} else if (animal is Cat) {  animal.meow();} else if (animal is Wolf) {  animal.howl();}

You can manage a conditional type cast like the example below:

class MyException implements Exception {  int customCode = 2;}void myFunc(){  //you can switch between the values below to see the effect  // throw Exception();  throw MyException();}void main() {  try {    myFunc();  } catch (e) {    final i = e is MyException ? e.customCode : -10;    print(i);  }}