How to connect mysql Database with Dart? How to connect mysql Database with Dart? dart dart

How to connect mysql Database with Dart?

You can use SQLJocky to connect to MySQL. Add

dependencies:  sqljocky: 0.0.4

to your pubspec.yaml an run pub install. Now you can connect to MySQL like this

var cnx = new Connection();cnx.connect(username, password, dbName, port, hostname).then((nothing) {    // Do something with the connection    cnx.query("show tables").then((Results results) {    print("tables");    for (List row in results) {      print(row);    }  });});

I think for dart 2 mysql1 is a simple choice.


import 'package:mysql1/mysql1.dart';Future main() async {  // Open a connection (testdb should already exist)  final connection = await MySqlConnection.connect(new ConnectionSettings(      host: '',      port: 3306,      user: 'root',      password: '0123456789',      db: 'development',      ));  var results = await connection.query('select * from tableName');  for (var row in results) {    print('${row[0]}');  }  // Finally, close the connection  await connection.close();}

(tested on Dart version 2.1.0 (build 2.1.0-dev.9.4 f9ebf21297))