How to convert Assets Images & Icons to PdfImage in flutter using dart_pdf How to convert Assets Images & Icons to PdfImage in flutter using dart_pdf dart dart

How to convert Assets Images & Icons to PdfImage in flutter using dart_pdf

Use this instead:

final PdfImage assetImage = await pdfImageFromImageProvider(    pdf: pdf.document,     image: const AssetImage('assets/test.jpg'),);

This function will create your pdf with image and custom data

 var pdf = new pw.Document(); Future<pw.Document> createPDF() async {    var assetImage = pw.MemoryImage(      (await rootBundle.load('assets/images/delivery.png'))          .buffer          .asUint8List(),    );    pdf.addPage(pw.Page(        pageFormat: PdfPageFormat.a4,        build: (pw.Context context) {          var width = MediaQuery.of(this.context).size.width;          var height = MediaQuery.of(this.context).size.height;          return pw.Container(            margin: pw.EdgeInsets.only(top: height * 0.1),            child: pw.ListView(              children: [                // your image here                pw.Container(                    height: height * 0.25, child: pw.Image(assetImage)),              // other contents                pw.Row(                  mainAxisAlignment: pw.MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround,                  children: [                    pw.Text("order Id:"),                    pw.Text(widget.doc['orderId']),                  ],                ),              ],            ),          );        }));            return pdf;  }

use this function to save

 Future savePdf(pw.Document pdfnew) async {    String pdfName;    File file;    try {            var documentDirectory = await AndroidPathProvider.downloadsPath; // for android downloads folder    //  var localDirectory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory(); // for local directory          setState(() {        pdfName = "your_pdf_name";      });        file = File("$documentDirectory/$pdfName.pdf");      await file.writeAsBytes(await;         return file.path;    } catch (e) {      print(e);    }    }