How to create a dynamic TabBarView/ Render a new Tab with a function in Flutter? How to create a dynamic TabBarView/ Render a new Tab with a function in Flutter? dart dart

How to create a dynamic TabBarView/ Render a new Tab with a function in Flutter?

Problems arise if you need to modify the arrays. They consist in the fact that when modifying an array you do not have the opportunity to use the same controller.

enter image description here

You can use the next custom widget for this case:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';  void main() => runApp(MyApp());  class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {    @override    Widget build(BuildContext context) {      return MaterialApp(        title: 'Flutter Demo',        home: MyHomePage(),      );    }  }  class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {    @override    _MyHomePageState createState() => _MyHomePageState();  }  class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {    List<String> data = ['Page 0', 'Page 1', 'Page 2'];    int initPosition = 1;    @override    Widget build(BuildContext context) {      return Scaffold(        body: SafeArea(          child: CustomTabView(            initPosition: initPosition,            itemCount: data.length,            tabBuilder: (context, index) => Tab(text: data[index]),            pageBuilder: (context, index) => Center(child: Text(data[index])),            onPositionChange: (index){              print('current position: $index');              initPosition = index;            },            onScroll: (position) => print('$position'),          ),        ),        floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(          onPressed: () {            setState(() {              data.add('Page ${data.length}');            });          },          child: Icon(Icons.add),        ),      );    }  }  /// Implementation  class CustomTabView extends StatefulWidget {    final int itemCount;    final IndexedWidgetBuilder tabBuilder;    final IndexedWidgetBuilder pageBuilder;    final Widget stub;    final ValueChanged<int> onPositionChange;    final ValueChanged<double> onScroll;    final int initPosition;    CustomTabView({      @required this.itemCount,      @required this.tabBuilder,      @required this.pageBuilder,      this.stub,      this.onPositionChange,      this.onScroll,      this.initPosition,    });    @override    _CustomTabsState createState() => _CustomTabsState();  }  class _CustomTabsState extends State<CustomTabView> with TickerProviderStateMixin {    TabController controller;    int _currentCount;    int _currentPosition;    @override    void initState() {      _currentPosition = widget.initPosition ?? 0;      controller = TabController(        length: widget.itemCount,        vsync: this,        initialIndex: _currentPosition,      );      controller.addListener(onPositionChange);      controller.animation.addListener(onScroll);      _currentCount = widget.itemCount;      super.initState();    }    @override    void didUpdateWidget(CustomTabView oldWidget) {      if (_currentCount != widget.itemCount) {        controller.animation.removeListener(onScroll);        controller.removeListener(onPositionChange);        controller.dispose();        if (widget.initPosition != null) {          _currentPosition = widget.initPosition;        }        if (_currentPosition > widget.itemCount - 1) {            _currentPosition = widget.itemCount - 1;            _currentPosition = _currentPosition < 0 ? 0 :             _currentPosition;            if (widget.onPositionChange is ValueChanged<int>) {               WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_){                if(mounted) {                  widget.onPositionChange(_currentPosition);                }               });            }         }        _currentCount = widget.itemCount;        setState(() {          controller = TabController(            length: widget.itemCount,            vsync: this,            initialIndex: _currentPosition,          );          controller.addListener(onPositionChange);          controller.animation.addListener(onScroll);        });      } else if (widget.initPosition != null) {        controller.animateTo(widget.initPosition);      }      super.didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);    }    @override    void dispose() {      controller.animation.removeListener(onScroll);      controller.removeListener(onPositionChange);      controller.dispose();      super.dispose();    }    @override    Widget build(BuildContext context) {      if (widget.itemCount < 1) return widget.stub ?? Container();      return Column(        crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,        children: <Widget>[          Container(            alignment:,            child: TabBar(              isScrollable: true,              controller: controller,              labelColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,              unselectedLabelColor: Theme.of(context).hintColor,              indicator: BoxDecoration(                border: Border(                  bottom: BorderSide(                    color: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,                    width: 2,                  ),                ),              ),              tabs: List.generate(                widget.itemCount,                    (index) => widget.tabBuilder(context, index),              ),            ),          ),          Expanded(            child: TabBarView(              controller: controller,              children: List.generate(                widget.itemCount,                    (index) => widget.pageBuilder(context, index),              ),            ),          ),        ],      );    }    onPositionChange() {      if (!controller.indexIsChanging) {        _currentPosition = controller.index;        if (widget.onPositionChange is ValueChanged<int>) {          widget.onPositionChange(_currentPosition);        }      }    }    onScroll() {      if (widget.onScroll is ValueChanged<double>) {        widget.onScroll(controller.animation.value);      }    }  }

Try this.Demo

To make dynamic tab you can use a List and keep appending the list on every button click.

Trick: Clear List and redraw an empty widget and again draw the widgets as per your list.

 import 'package:flutter/material.dart';void main() {  runApp(new MaterialApp(    home: new CardStack(),  ));}class DynamicTabContent {  IconData icon;  String tooTip;, this.tooTip);}class CardStack extends StatefulWidget {  @override  _MainState createState() => new _MainState();}class _MainState extends State<CardStack> with TickerProviderStateMixin {  List<DynamicTabContent> myList = new List();  TabController _cardController;  TabPageSelector _tabPageSelector;  @override  void initState() {    super.initState();    myList.add(new, "Favorited"));    myList.add(new, "local pizza"));    _cardController = new TabController(vsync: this, length: myList.length);    _tabPageSelector = new TabPageSelector(controller: _cardController);  }  @override  void dispose() {    _cardController.dispose();    super.dispose();  }  @override  Widget build(BuildContext context) {    return new Scaffold(      backgroundColor: Colors.grey[300],      appBar: new AppBar(          actions: <Widget>[            new Padding(              padding: const EdgeInsets.all(1.0),              child: new IconButton(                icon: const Icon(                  Icons.add,                  size: 30.0,                  color: Colors.white,                ),                tooltip: 'Add Tabs',                onPressed: () {                  List<DynamicTabContent> tempList = new List();                  myList.forEach((dynamicContent) {                    tempList.add(dynamicContent);                  });                  setState(() {                    myList.clear();                  });                  if (tempList.length % 2 == 0) {                    myList.add(new, "shopping cart"));                  } else {                    myList.add(new, "camera"));                  }                  tempList.forEach((dynamicContent) {                    myList.add(dynamicContent);                  });                  setState(() {                    _cardController = new TabController(vsync: this, length: myList.length);                    _tabPageSelector = new TabPageSelector(controller: _cardController);                  });                },              ),            ),          ],          title: new Text("Title Here"),          bottom: new PreferredSize(              preferredSize: const Size.fromHeight(10.0),              child: new Theme(                data: Theme.of(context).copyWith(accentColor: Colors.grey),                child: myList.isEmpty                    ? new Container(                        height: 30.0,                      )                    : new Container(                        height: 30.0,                        alignment:,                        child: _tabPageSelector,                      ),              ))),      body: new TabBarView(        controller: _cardController,        children: myList.isEmpty            ? <Widget>[]            : {                return new Card(                  child: new Container(                      height: 450.0,                      width: 300.0,                      child: new IconButton(                        icon: new Icon(dynamicContent.icon, size: 100.0),                        tooltip: dynamicContent.tooTip,                        onPressed: null,                      )),                );              }).toList(),      ),    );  }}

Hope this helps :)