How to create a secure http server in dart? How to create a secure http server in dart? dart dart

How to create a secure http server in dart?

The requestClientCertificate parameter of bindSecure is used to specify a client certificate. Client certificates are used by servers to identify and authorize clients, which appears not to be the objective of this question. It should be noted that there is a known issue with using client certificates in Dart on IE9 and Windows 7.

The certificateName parameter is used to specify the nickname of a certificate that exists in your certificate database. You specify the certificate nickname using the -n <nickname> option when importing a certificate to your database using certutil.

Use the following steps to:

  • Install the NSS utility (including certutil),

  • Create a new certificate database in directory <dir> with a password <password>, and

  • Import your self-signed or purchased certificate identified by nickname <host> such that it can be used to create an HTTPS server using the following sample code. Though the nickname can be chosen arbitrarily, we use the host name in this example. These steps have been confirmed working in Ubuntu 14.04 and Dart SDK 1.6 through (currently last stable version) 1.8.3.

    1. Install the NSS utility
      sudo apt-get install libnss3-tools

    2. cd to the directory that will contain your certificate database
      cd <dir>

    3. Create a password file to use with the certificate database:
      echo "<password>" > pwdfile

    4. Create the certificate database
      certutil -N -d 'sql:./' -f pwdfile

    5. Either:

      • Generate a self-signed certificate:

        certutil -S -s "cn=<host>" -n "self signed for dart" -x -t "C,C,C" -m 1000 -v 120 -d "sql:./" -k rsa -g 2048 -f pwdfile

        where <host> is the host ("common name") for which to generate a certificate, for example "localhost"

      • Or, purchase a certificate by first creating a signing request for a real domain <host>, for example "":

        certutil -R -s "CN=<host>, O=None, L=San Diego, ST=California, C=US" -a -g 2048 -o <host>.csr -d "sql:./"

        Then specify the content of file <host>.csr when prompted for a CSR upon purchasing a certificate from a signing authority.

        Copy the purchased certificate to a file named <host>.crt

        Import the certificate to the database
        certutil -A -n <host> -t "p,p,p" -i <host>.crt -d "sql:./"

        If necessary to use an intermediate certificate, it can be imported as such:
        certutil -A -n my_intermediate_certificate -t "p,p,p" -i intermediate.crt -d "sql:./"
        where "intermediate.crt" is the intermediate certificate file downloaded from the signing authority.

    6. Verify that the certificates exist in the database

      certutil -L -n <host> -d "sql:./"
      certutil -L -n my_intermediate_certificate -d "sql:./"

To use this certificate and create an HTTPS server, do the following:

// Initialize secure socket to use certificate database (note: replace `<dir>`// with the absolute path to the certificate database directory, and `<password>`// with the value chosen above)SecureSocket.initialize(database: "<dir>", password: "<password>");// Bind secure HTTP server to specified host and port (typically 443)HttpServer.bindSecure("<host>", 443, certificateName: "<host>")  .then((HttpServer httpServer) {    // Listen for incoming requests    httpServer.listen((HttpRequest httpRequest) {      // TODO: process request    });  })  .catchError((error) {    // TODO: handle error  });


I don't have enough reputation points to respond to the comments, so here are additional details that may help answer the questions: Client certificates are not used to encrypt client-server communication and are not needed in the common scenario of establishing secure communication between a web browser and a webserver via HTTPS. The steps outlined above show how to create an HTTPS server in Dart using bindSecure.