How to fill the required parameters for cipher.doFinal() method in Dart? How to fill the required parameters for cipher.doFinal() method in Dart? dart dart

How to fill the required parameters for cipher.doFinal() method in Dart?

In case anyone has encountered this case. This is what I ended up with:

import 'package:pointycastle/export.dart';class Example {  Uint8List encrypt(String data) {    if (data == null || data.length == 0) return null;    final Uint8List _key = utf8.encode('key');    final Uint8List _iv = utf8.encode('iv');    try {      Uint8List encrypted;      final CipherParameters params = PaddedBlockCipherParameters(        ParametersWithIV(          KeyParameter(_key),          _iv,        ),        null,      );      final PaddedBlockCipherImpl cipher = PaddedBlockCipherImpl(        PKCS7Padding(),        CBCBlockCipher(          AESFastEngine(),        ),      );      cipher.init(true, params);      encrypted = cipher.process(utf8.encode(data));      return encrypted;    } catch (_) {      print(_);      return null;    }  }  String decrypt(Uint8List data) {    if (data == null || data.length == 0) return null;    final Uint8List _key = utf8.encode('key');    final Uint8List _iv = utf8.encode('iv');    try {      final CipherParameters params = PaddedBlockCipherParameters(        ParametersWithIV(          KeyParameter(_key),          _iv,        ),        null,      );      final PaddedBlockCipherImpl cipher = PaddedBlockCipherImpl(        PKCS7Padding(),        CBCBlockCipher(          AESFastEngine(),        ),      );      cipher.init(false, params);      final String finalData = utf8.decode(cipher.process(data));      return finalData;    } catch (_) {      print(_);      return null;    }  }}

Thanks to and for the inspiration.