how to generat or create "appcastURL" for upgrader package in flutter? how to generat or create "appcastURL" for upgrader package in flutter? dart dart

how to generat or create "appcastURL" for upgrader package in flutter?

I found another package called new_version its very simple and clear, no need to any extra steps or customizations.

Create a new file appcast.xml

Paste this in it

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><rss version="2.0" xmlns:sparkle="">    <channel>        <title>Help Code TJCODE- Appcast</title>        <item>            <title>Version 1.15.0</title>            <description>desc</description>            <pubDate>Tue, 08 Jun 2021 12:00:00 +0000</pubDate>            <enclosure url="" sparkle:version="1.0.0" sparkle:os="android" />        </item>    </channel></rss>

Edit the details in this file to suite your own app config.

Host this file somewhere accessible. You can host it on Github.