How to get Map keys by values in Dart? How to get Map keys by values in Dart? dart dart

How to get Map keys by values in Dart?

var usdKey = curr.keys.firstWhere(    (k) => curr[k] == 'USD', orElse: () => null);

If you will be doing this more than a few times on the same data, you should create an inverse map so that you can perform simple key lookup instead of repeated linear searches. Here's an example of reversing a map (there may be easier ways to do this):

main() {  var orig = {"01": "USD", "17": "GBP", "33": "EUR"};  var reversed = Map.fromEntries( => MapEntry(e.value, e.key)));  for (var kv in reversed.entries) {    print(kv);  }}

Edit: yes, reversing a map can simply be:

var reversed =, v) => MapEntry(v, k));

Tip of the hat to Joe Conway on gitter. Thanks.

There is another one method (similar to Günter Zöchbauer answer):

void main() {  Map currencies = {     "01": "USD",     "17": "GBP",     "33": "EUR"  };  MapEntry entry = currencies.entries.firstWhere((element) => element.value=='GBP', orElse: () => null);  if(entry != null){    print('key = ${entry.key}');    print('value = ${entry.value}');  }}

In this code, you get MapEntry, which contains key and value, instead only key in a separate variable. It can be useful in some code.