How to make websocket stream broadcast to many other pages? How to make websocket stream broadcast to many other pages? dart dart

How to make websocket stream broadcast to many other pages?

You can use broadcasts.

 //Here is the solution StreamController<String> streamController = new StreamController.broadcast();   //Add .broadcast here//Now you can listen from various places@overridevoid initState() {  super.initState();  print("Creating a StreamController...");  //First subscription {    print("DataReceived1: " + data);  }, onDone: () {    print("Task Done1");  }, onError: (error) {    print("Some Error1");  });  //Second subscription {    print("DataReceived2: " + data);  }, onDone: () {    print("Task Done2");  }, onError: (error) {    print("Some Error2");  });  streamController.add("This a test data");  print("code controller is here");}


When using broadcasts you can have multiple listeners in the same stream.

If you simply use a stream without ".broadcast ()" you can only have one listener

Solution for package web_socket_channel:

final channel = IOWebSocketChannel.connect(socketUrl);final streamController = StreamController.broadcast();streamController.addStream(;

After that simply use to listen web socket events.

As there are no useful answer, I update my answer here for other reference.

  1. duplicate subscribe stream is a desired behaviour in flutter.

if you are just using a StreamBuilder, the stream can be listen only once. think about it, if your stream can be listen to many other pages or widgets, then data would be repeated.

  1. But if you want using one single stream, and update all widgets

this is really can be occured when develop a complicated app, for example, you are building a chat app, new message comes, you should update many pages UI (your dialog chat ui, your session list ui....), then you should subscribe this streams in many pages, I still not found a proper way to do this, except make this stream to be broadcast, and do your work.