How to use Dart's Difference Method and DateTime using a dynamic date? How to use Dart's Difference Method and DateTime using a dynamic date? dart dart

How to use Dart's Difference Method and DateTime using a dynamic date?

Ok, so from my point of view a good way to do it seems to use shared_preferences. Shared preferences allow to store some key/value pair for the user, it's persistent and you can update it.

Here's the package:

Here's a good article giving you details about it :

The idea would be to create a function, checking if the key of first_use_date exists.

  • If it does do nothing (or you can actually update it)
  • If not you create it with the date of today.

Of course it's persistent since the app stays installed on the device.

For printing duration I let you check this class :

And especially this method (which is not implemented yet) :

Hope it's helps !!