in dart parse HTML string to DOM in dart parse HTML string to DOM dart dart

in dart parse HTML string to DOM

You can create an element by parsing HTML text:

new Element.html("YOUR HTML STRING HERE");

see Dart: Up and Running CH03

You may need to pass a NodeValidator to get the entire text rendered like:

NodeValidator nodeValidator = new NodeValidatorBuilder()    ..allowTextElements();    // ..allowHtml5()    // ..allowElement('Button', attributes: ['ng-disabled']);new Element.html("YOUR HTML STRING HERE", validator: nodeValidator);

If you run the application you get log messages like "element/attribute xxx removed from ..." if some of the text was not accepted by the NodeValidator.

Try html. It's 100% pure Dart, so you should be set.

You could also consider an XML parser for Dart like xml depending on the nature of your HTML.

Check out this article in dart documentation

You can use this for dart

import 'dart:html';

and carryout parsing like this

querySelector('#theid').text = 'Wake up, sleepy head!';}

In case of flutter, you have to add the "html" package in the pubspec.yaml below the cupertino_icons dependency like this for example

html: ^0.13.3+3

and then the dart file you have to import it like

import 'package:html/parser.dart' as parser;

and then carry out parsing as before but remember to add the alias name before each method!