Input data must be multiple of cipher block size in AES CTR mode Input data must be multiple of cipher block size in AES CTR mode dart dart

Input data must be multiple of cipher block size in AES CTR mode

This is a problem in Dart's encrypt package. It cannot handle something encrypted using AES CTR mode if it isn't a multiple of the block size. This package is wrapper for Pointy Castle, which I was able to use successfully to decrypt a string encrypted using AES CTR mode. Here's the code:

import 'package:encrypt/encrypt.dart' as encrypt;import 'package:pointycastle/export.dart' as pc;String decrypt(String cipher, Uint8List key, Uint8List iv) {  final encryptedText = encrypt.Encrypted.fromBase16(cipher);  final ctr = pc.CTRStreamCipher(pc.AESFastEngine())    ..init(false, pc.ParametersWithIV(pc.KeyParameter(key.bytes), iv.bytes));  Uint8List decrypted = ctr.process(encryptedText.bytes);  print(String.fromCharCodes(decrypted));  return String.fromCharCodes(decrypted);}

cipher is a hexadecimal string. encrypt's package is still useful because it provides utilities for converting a hexadecimal string to a Uint8List