Is it possible to get a GUI for an SQLite database created in flutter for android simulator? Is it possible to get a GUI for an SQLite database created in flutter for android simulator? dart dart

Is it possible to get a GUI for an SQLite database created in flutter for android simulator?

For Android, the easiest way I have found is to just have Android Studio installed on my machine as well. In Android Studio you can view the database on the device via Device File Explorer

View > Tool Windows > Device File Explorer.

In the new tab make sure your device is selectede.g

MyAndroidDevice > data > data >com.myflutterapp

Here you will find your Flutter application files, the main database will be located inside the 'app_flutter folder'.

Once you've located the database file, right click and save as. You can then open this db file with BrowserDB or sqlitebrowser.

There might be a similar way to do it with Xcode as well, but I'm not so familiar with that particular IDE.

In addition to F-1 answer if you need a more sophisticated tool for manage your database there is the SQLite Studio. You could do the follow steps to achieve this:

  1. To get database (with adb):

    adb -s emulator-5554 pull/data/data/com.your.package.yourappname/databases/you_database_name.db .

  2. If you need change it and update (It will override android db)

    adb -s emulator-5554 push ~/Desktop/you_database_name.db /data/data/com.your.package.yourappname/databases/

  3. Here is the link to SQLite Studio (works in macOS, linux and windows)

There is one beautiful package for db viewer if you are using moor_db

Very easy to integrate and very easy to view the tables