Is SVG image officialy support by flutter? Is SVG image officialy support by flutter? dart dart

Is SVG image officialy support by flutter?

No flutter is not supporting yet 2021-10-18. It is tracked in the community post below.

by the way it is safe but you have to use flutter_svg library

Original issue

While that issue can focus on a Flutter-specific vector drawableformat, this issue should track SVG based support.

@cbazza @deborah-ufw were also particularly interested in this.

you can use flutter_svg

Flutter innately does not support svg as yet. However, I have used Flutter_svg package for some of my projects(using static drawings) and have not faced any problem both performance and functionality wise.

For further reading do go through this article on medium and have a look through the flutter_svg repo. They are pretty active in resolving issues if you think something is broken.

Hope it helps.

No by default but you can use this library

flutter_svg 0.17.4 works great