Is there any way to handle network-caching option in flutter vlc player? Is there any way to handle network-caching option in flutter vlc player? dart dart

Is there any way to handle network-caching option in flutter vlc player?

I'm looking for the same. I'm trying to achieve ultra low-latency streams in Flutter, which for my application probably means switching from MJPEG to RTSP.

In the meantime though, and perhaps a good fit for your application, the flutter_mjpeg package is pretty simple to use, and doesn't cripple the latency with a long buffer:

You can use the below method to apply this.

_vlcVideoPlayerController =  videoLink,  hwAcc: HwAcc.FULL,  autoPlay: true, // true  options: VlcPlayerOptions(advanced: VlcAdvancedOptions([VlcAdvancedOptions.networkCaching(0)])),);