Observatory server failed to start - Fails to create Socket Server Observatory server failed to start - Fails to create Socket Server dart dart

Observatory server failed to start - Fails to create Socket Server

In Android Manifest file add Internet Permission.I'm also facing this problem. after adding this permission now working fine.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>

Problem is Internet permission is needed in release mode.

Android Manifest file have description for this

The INTERNET permission is required for development. Specifically,flutter needs it to communicate with the running applicationto allow setting breakpoints, to provide hot reload, etc.

Check android/app/src should have debug, main and profile directories.check image

  1. if debug folder is missing, just create one and copy manifest from profile, paste in debug.
  2. if debug folder is there check it is having internet permissions or not. if not add.

When I was stripping down the template I unknowingly removed the debug folder under android/app/src thinking it was files generated from the build. That's the manifest Android uses to allow debugging so it needs to be there.