Platform exception when I open the QRView widget from the qr_code_scanner package Platform exception when I open the QRView widget from the qr_code_scanner package dart dart

Platform exception when I open the QRView widget from the qr_code_scanner package

Assuming that this code should work fine as it is given in package example, anyways

You can go back to previous version of flutter

In the Flutter install directory execute

git checkout v1.2.2   (the version you wanted)

Now run

flutter doctor

Or You can just go from a version to another using the new commands

flutter downgrade -> go to the previous

flutter upgrade -> update to the new one

I had the same issue and fixed it by requesting camera permission before showing the QR scanner. I did this using the following library:

I solved it with a method returning camera permission status and requesting it once if missing:

Future<PermissionStatus> _getCameraPermission() async {    var status = await;    if (!status.isGranted) {        final result = await;        return result;    } else {      return status;    }}

Then I call the method before opening the widget as a dialog

PermissionStatus status = await _getCameraPermission();if (status.isGranted) {    showDialog(        context: context,         builder: (context) => QrScanDialog(onResult: onResult),    );}