Populating a parent field dynamically in Dart Populating a parent field dynamically in Dart dart dart

Populating a parent field dynamically in Dart

You should use a ObjectMirror to set a field on your object. Your code tries to set a field on ClassMirror which tries to define a static variable.

class Resource {  String name;  String description;  Resource.map(Map data)  {    ObjectMirror o = reflect(this);  // added    ClassMirror c = reflectClass(runtimeType);    ClassMirror thisType = c;    while(c != null)    {      for (var k in c.declarations.keys) {        print('${MirrorSystem.getName(k)} : ${data[MirrorSystem.getName(k)]}');        if(data[MirrorSystem.getName(k)] != null)        {          // replace "thisType" with "o"          o.setField(k, data[MirrorSystem.getName(k)]);        }      }      c = c.superclass;    }  }}class Skill extends Resource{  Skill.map(data) : super.map(data);}

Static methods/fields are not inherited in Dart.
There were already some discussions about that behavior here.
You can take a look at the answer to this question in Dart, using Mirrors, how would you call a class's static method from an instance of the class?

If the methods/fields you try to access are not static please provide more code (the classes/objects you are reflecting about)