Python can have virtual environments, is there an equivalent for Dart/flutter? Python can have virtual environments, is there an equivalent for Dart/flutter? dart dart

Python can have virtual environments, is there an equivalent for Dart/flutter?

you can use tow method

  • install different flutter version in multiple pathenter image description here

If you're using VSCode, you can download multiple version of flutter SDK into different path and quickly switch between them using Dart&Flutter Plugin

as followinYou need to have two flutter SDK folders. One of them you need to rename it to flutter_beta (or whatever you like, I called it that way because on that one I am always on beta channel and in the original one I am always on stable channel).Then, inside that flutter_beta folder you need to go to bin folder and rename the flutter file to flutterbeta (or whatever you want)Then you need to export the path of that new executable like you did to the first one that's all, the VSCode settings.json configuration is optional...reference1


  • FVM(flutter version management)enter image description here

In case you have projects in different Flutter SDK versions and do not want to upgrade.

dart pub global activate fvmfvm

and chose the version you will use its sdk

notes:You must add the path to the fvm executable to the $PATH environment variable. After running "pub global activate fvm"reference

This package can help you to have multiple Flutter environments on one machine and change them depending on the project you're working on (Like python virtual environments).

When you a start a Flutter project it runs it's own "Virtual machine" for debugging during Development. Check HereCheck Here