Rearranging UI elements according to screen size in Flutter Rearranging UI elements according to screen size in Flutter dart dart

Rearranging UI elements according to screen size in Flutter

I am using MediaQuery.of(context).size; in my project in the stable channel to change the layout depending on the width. It works for me without problems. I have written a widget that distinguishes between large screen (tablet) and small screen (smartphone).

class ScreenWidthBuilder extends StatelessWidget {  final Widget Function(BuildContext context, bool isAWideScreen)  builder;  final int bigScreenUpFrom;  const ScreenWidthBuilder({Key key, @required this.builder, this.bigScreenUpFrom = 600}) : super(key: key);  @override  Widget build(BuildContext context) {    Size screenSize = MediaQuery.of(context).size;    // screenSize.width changes depending on screen orientation    bool isAWideScreen = screenSize.width >= this.bigScreenUpFrom;    return this.builder(context, isAWideScreen);  }}

First I tried to use the LayoutBuilder widget but I was able to achieve a better result with MediaQuery.of(context).size;. With MediaQuery you can request many data about the device screen (size, textScaleFactor, orientation, etc).

For more information have a look at: